- せんくらの豪華幕開け!!
オープニング名曲ガラコンサート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
1 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
福田 進一(ギター)
川久保 賜紀(ヴァイオリン)
長谷川 陽子(チェロ)
横山 幸雄(ピアノ)
青柳 晋(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- 舘野泉&ヤンネ舘野
デュオ・リサイタル -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
2 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
舘野 泉(ピアノ)
ヤンネ 舘野(ヴァイオリン) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- 山下洋輔クラシカル・ナイト
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
3 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
20:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
山下 洋輔(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- 響きあう日本とブラジルの唄
助川ブラザーズ - 謡 UTAI -
昭和の名曲、唱歌〜サウダージへ -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
4 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
(ギター:助川 太郎、コントラバス:助川 龍) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- テレマンが憧れた18世紀のパリ黄金期へ!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
5 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
神谷 未穂、小池 まどか(ヴァイオリン)
梅津 樹子(チェンバロ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- アモーレ!西村悟&加耒徹のイタリア 愛の歌
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
6 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
西村 悟(テノール)
加耒 徹(バリトン)
石野 真穂(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- スギテツ&浅野祥のザッツ・サムライ・クラシック!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
7 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
浅野 祥(津軽三味線) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- Legacy of Act -受け継がれていくもの-
名曲は“有名曲”のみならず! -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
8 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
13:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
Legacy of Act(アンサンブル)
(ヴィオラ:井野邉 大輔、クラリネット:鈴木 雄大、ピアノ:三輪 郁) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- 川久保賜紀
〜フランスゆかりの作曲家を奏でる -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
9 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
川久保 賜紀(ヴァイオリン)
青柳 晋(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- 藤原道山が贈る「和の響き」
邦楽プログラム! -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
10 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
藤原 道山(尺八)
村澤 寶山(尺八・箏) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- 神田将 0歳からのコンサート
エレクトーンで感じるクラシックのはじけるビート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
11 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
神田 将(エレクトーン) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 0歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- イリーナ・メジューエワ ピアノ名作集
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
12 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
イリーナ・メジューエワ(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
13 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
19:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
三宅 進(チェロ)
美野 春樹(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- “音楽隊うたうたう”0歳からのコンサート
懐かしい童謡・歌い継ぎたい名曲たち -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
14 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
(ソプラノ:草刈 理恵子、バリトン:草刈 伸明、ピアノ:庄司 美知子) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 0歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- 「世界の車窓から」でお馴染み
溝口肇チェロ・リサイタル Vol.1 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
15 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
溝口 肇(チェロ)
山口 ちなみ(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- 和 ★SHOWA★
〜尺八とマリンバによる世界最小オーケストラ〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
16 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
藤原 道山(尺八)
SINSKE(マリンバ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- 神谷未穂の0歳からのコンサート
〜素敵な音楽の世界へ マーチ! -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
17 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
神谷 未穂(ヴァイオリン)
望月 優芽子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 0歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- 米元響子&菊池洋子による
ベルギーの巨匠イザイと仲間たち -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
18 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
米元 響子(ヴァイオリン)
菊池 洋子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- 放課後の音楽室Ⅴ
〜リコーダーのホントのステキなところ〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
19 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
原田 博之(リコーダー)
田代 七菜美(ヴァイオリン)
尾留川 諒子(ソプラノ)
(加藤 優花、木村 侑矢、齋藤 寛、田中 李奈、真崎 奈実、松橋 孝二) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- イリーナ・メジューエワ
「悲愴」「テンペスト」 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
20 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
イリーナ・メジューエワ(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- ウィーンアンサンブル〜仙台フィル・シュランメルン
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
21 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
(ヴァイオリン:西本 幸弘、山本 高史、ヴィオラ:山中 保人(ゲスト)、コントラバス:名和 俊)
- ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- リン兄弟が贈る フランス名曲集
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
22 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
ロバート・リン(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- チャイコフスキー、メンデルスゾーンの協奏曲の饗宴
竹澤恭子・藤田真央と仙台フィルの豪華コンサート! -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
23 10月4日|金|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
20:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
藤田 真央(ピアノ)
竹澤 恭子(ヴァイオリン)
高関 健(指揮)
仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
2000| 小学生以上 - J|イズミ|大
- オール・ショパン・プログラム!!
若き3人の天才たちの競演 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
24 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
藤田 真央(ピアノ)
小井土 文哉(ピアノ)
髙木 竜馬(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- ラヴェル、ドビュッシー
〜時代に翻弄された作曲家たち -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
25 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
西江 辰郎(ヴァイオリン)
原田 哲男(チェロ)
ジュゼッペ・アンダローロ(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- ブラボー、イタリア!
オペラ・アリア ガラ・コンサート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
26 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
安井 陽子(ソプラノ)
中島 郁子(メゾソプラノ)
西村 悟(テノール)
加耒 徹(バリトン)
石野 真穂(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- 一夜だけのドリーム・チーム「せんくら・フェスティバル・ソロイスツ」による
クラシック界ベストヒット曲 ヴィヴァルディの四季! -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
27 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
20:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
リチャード・リン、 西本 幸弘、 渡辺 玲子、 米元 響子、 ヤンネ 舘野、 井野邉 大輔、 山中 保人、 吉岡 知広、 原田 哲男、 名和 俊、 梅津 樹子 - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- 山田姉妹 〜華麗なるソプラノ・デュオ・コンサート〜 クラシックの名曲から、日本の名曲まで
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
28 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
13:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
内門 卓也(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- 若手ナンバー・ワン!
上野星矢フルート・リサイタル -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
29 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
上野 星矢(フルート)
佐野 隆哉(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- ベーシスト助川龍が2人のギタリストと贈る、
尾尻雅弘、助川太郎を迎えて -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
30 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
尾尻 雅弘(ギター)
助川 太郎(ギター)
助川 龍(コントラバス) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- 福田進一ギター・リサイタル
〜マチネの終わりに〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
31 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
福田 進一(ギター) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- 必聴!渡辺玲子のカルメン幻想曲!!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
32 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
渡辺 玲子(ヴァイオリン)
青柳 晋(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- 三浦一馬&村治奏一
バンドネオン&ギター スーパー・デュオ -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
33 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
三浦 一馬(バンドネオン)
村治 奏一(ギター) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- 山下洋輔ジャズナイト
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
34 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
21:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
山下 洋輔(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- Prays Ave Maria
〜マリンバによるプレイズ・アヴェ・マリア〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
35 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
SINSKE(マリンバ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- ロマンティック・クラリネット
伊藤圭リサイタル待望の第2弾〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
36 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
伊藤 圭(クラリネット)
榊原 紀保子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- ジュゼッペ・アンダローロ
オペラ座の夜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
37 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
ジュゼッペ・アンダローロ(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- 平野公崇&三舩優子
古典からジャズまで~珠玉の名曲 on Sax -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
38 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
20:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
平野 公崇(サクソフォン)
三舩 優子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- 平野公崇&三舩優子
サックスで聴くオール・バッハ・プログラム -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
39 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
平野 公崇(サクソフォン)
三舩 優子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- 溝口肇チェロ・リサイタル Vol.2
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
40 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
溝口 肇(チェロ)
山口 ちなみ(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- 3つの琴で奏でる異国の調べ
〜南米のアルパ、西洋のハープ、東洋の馬頭琴 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
41 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
池山 由香(アルパ・メゾソプラノ)
中村 愛(ハープ)
美炎(馬頭琴) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- 幼児体験が人生を変える!
0歳児のお子さんから、ご家族一緒に楽しむコンサート♪ -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
42 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
大谷 康子(ヴァイオリン)
中野 翔太(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 0歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- 村治奏一 珠玉のギター名曲集
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
43 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
村治 奏一(ギター) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- 菊池洋子 ベートーヴェンを弾く
「告別」「熱情」 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
44 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
菊池 洋子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- 青柳晋 オール・リスト・プログラム
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
45 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
19:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
青柳 晋(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- スギテツ with 溝口肇
〜クラシックで遊ぼう〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
46 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
溝口 肇(チェロ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- 麻衣 よろこびかなしみ、歌の今昔
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
47 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
中島 剛(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- 及川浩治 「名曲の花束」 トーク&コンサート
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
48 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
及川 浩治(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- せんくら初登場!
新倉瞳 チェロ名曲集〜スイスの風を奏でて〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
49 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
新倉 瞳(チェロ)
青柳 晋(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- 浅野祥 津軽三味線
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
50 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
浅野 祥(津軽三味線) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- こころ歌 〜日本の心を歌う〜
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
51 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
後藤 真美(ソプラノ)
矢崎 貴子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- 舘野泉 左手の名曲集
〜一期一会の感動〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
52 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
舘野 泉(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- 大谷康子のヴァイオリン三昧!
ミュージカル ✕ 映画 ✕ クラシック音楽 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
53 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
大谷 康子(ヴァイオリン)
中野 翔太(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- Quartet PaToNa
【Music from せんくら】!!- -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
54 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
Quartet PaToNa(アンサンブル)
(ヴァイオリン:神谷 未穂、小川 有紀子、ヴィオラ:井野邉 大輔、チェロ:三宅 進) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- 西江辰郎の世界 〜フランス・ロマンの薫り
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
55 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
19:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
西江 辰郎(ヴァイオリン)
菊地 裕介(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- Viva!イタリア
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
56 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
高関 健(指揮)
仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
2000| 小学生以上 - J|イズミ|大
- エンジョイ the ミュージック!
バラエティ溢れるガラ・コンサート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
57 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
内門 卓也(ピアノ)
溝口 肇(チェロ)
山下 洋輔(ピアノ)
加羽沢 美濃(ピアノ)
バクコメ(MC) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
2000| 小学生以上 - J|イズミ|大
- 横山幸雄 ✕ ショパンのピアノ協奏曲
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
58 10月5日|土|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
20:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
横山 幸雄(ピアノ)
高関 健(指揮)
仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
2000| 小学生以上 - J|イズミ|大
- 朝のバロック
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
59 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
鈴木 優人(チェンバロ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- スイートな音色にうっとり!
貴公子たちのガラ・コンサート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
60 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
西江 辰郎(ヴァイオリン)
上野 星矢(フルート)
平野 公崇(サクソフォン)
佐野 隆哉(ピアノ)
バクコメ(MC) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- 横山幸雄 The ショパン!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
61 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
横山 幸雄(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1500| 小学生以上 - A|日立|コンサート
- 長谷川陽子 チェロで奏でるロマン派音楽の世界!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
62 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
長谷川 陽子(チェロ)
青柳 晋(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- 米元響子&菊池洋子が贈る
「モーツァルトのヴァイオリン・ソナタ」の世界 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
63 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
米元 響子(ヴァイオリン)
菊池 洋子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- 原田哲男とロバート・リン
音楽がつなぐ仙台と台湾の絆コンサート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
64 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
原田 哲男(チェロ)
ロバート・リン(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - B|日立|パフォーマンス
- 1966カルテット 情熱のUKロック!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
65 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
1966カルテット(アンサンブル) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- 津田裕也
ショパン、ベートーヴェン 幻想の世界 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
66 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
津田 裕也(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- 加耒徹&鈴木優人
バリトン&チェンバロの華麗なる古楽の世界 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
67 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:00 ▲ -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
加耒 徹(バリトン)
鈴木 優人(チェンバロ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - C|日立|シアター
- 語りと音楽の小部屋~宮沢賢治を読む
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
68 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
13:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
二木 てるみ(朗読)
池山 由香(アルパ・メゾソプラノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- テューバはうたう!
ピートがうたう! -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
69 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
清水 初海(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- 及川浩治と宮城学院女子大学の仲間達が贈る《三巨匠の名旋律 》
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
70 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
及川 浩治、猪狩 綾、佐藤 晴香、庄子 三未(ピアノ)/白戸 美帆(フルート)/副島 謙二(クラリネット)/松山 裕美子(進行) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - D|日立|交流
- キッズコンサート
~名曲コンサート〜 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
71 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
加羽沢 美濃(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 0歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- あの名作童話をせんくらうた劇場で!
新美南吉作『手ぶくろを買いに』 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
72 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
吉川 和夫(作曲・監修・指揮)
中村 優子(ソプラノ)
髙山 圭子(アルト)
原田 博之(テノール)
草刈 伸明(バリトン)
倉戸 テル(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- 1台のエレクトーンで奏でるフル・オーケストラ
ドラマチック・クラシック -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
73 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
神田 将(エレクトーン) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - E|エルパ|ギャラリー
- 音楽動物園
〜コントラバス ✕ ハープ -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
74 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
(コントラバス:小宮 正寛、ハープ:中村 愛) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 0歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- グリーグ国際ピアノコンクール優勝の若き天才 髙木竜馬
オール・グリーグ・プログラム -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
75 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
13:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
髙木 竜馬(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- 福原佳三 魂を揺さぶるその音色に込められた
希望への響き -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
76 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
福原 佳三(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - F|エルパ|スタジオ
- 三浦一馬・山中惇史デュオ
情熱のタンゴ ピアソラ~マルコーニ -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
77 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
12:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
三浦 一馬(バンドネオン)
山中 惇史(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- 加羽沢美濃の楽しい楽しい音楽会!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
78 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:00 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
加羽沢 美濃(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- 麻衣~アンセム(anthem)、世界のうた
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
79 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
17:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
中島 剛(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - G|太白|楽楽楽
- ピアノデュオ・リブラの連弾七変化!
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
80 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
(文 京華、三又 瑛子) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- 草原のチェロ~馬頭琴の調べ
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
81 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
13:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
前田 仁(打楽器)
竹井 美子(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- 會田瑞樹 ヴィブラフォンのあるところ
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
82 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
會田 瑞樹(ヴィブラフォン) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - H|太白|展示
- 竹澤恭子 ヴァイオリン・リサイタル
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
83 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
11:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
竹澤 恭子(ヴァイオリン)
津田 裕也(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- 世界に飛び立つ若き2人
大江馨&小井土文哉 デュオ・リサイタル -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
84 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
14:30 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
大江 馨(ヴァイオリン)
小井土 文哉(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- Crossover 四楽士〜リターンズ〜
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
85 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
16:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
西本 幸弘(ヴァイオリン)
三浦 一馬(バンドネオン)
髙杉 健人(コントラバス)
山中 惇史(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- 仙台ジュニアオーケストラ
設立30周年記念ガラ・コンサート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
86 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
19:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
小池 まどか、門脇 和泉、叶 千春、古関 奏絵、遠藤 佑太朗、菊地 花音、夛田 一二三、田中 知子、中舘 真生、中村 隆人、片倉 宏樹、阿部 友紀、大久保 龍太、佐沼 萌花、濵地 宗
賛助出演:長谷川 基、水野 一英、倉戸 テル - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
1000| 3歳以上 - I|イズミ|小
- We ❤ ベートーヴェン
ベートーヴェン・ガラ・コンサート -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
87 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
15:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
渡辺 玲子(ヴァイオリン)
長谷川 陽子(チェロ)
青柳 晋(ピアノ)
横山 幸雄(ピアノ) - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
2000| 小学生以上 - J|イズミ|大
- チャイコフスキーの祭典!
リチャード・リンと新倉瞳 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
88 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
18:15 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
新倉 瞳(チェロ)
高関 健(指揮)
大江 馨(客演コンサートマスター)
仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
2000| 小学生以上 - J|イズミ|大
- グランド・フィナーレ
華やかなるオペラ名曲の数々と第九! -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 公演番号 - assumed '公演番号' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 38
89 10月6日|日|
Warning: Use of undefined constant 開始時間 - assumed '開始時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
Warning: Use of undefined constant 終了時間 - assumed '終了時間' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 39
20:45 -
Warning: Use of undefined constant 出演者 - assumed '出演者' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 50
安井 陽子(ソプラノ)
中島 郁子(メゾソプラノ)
西村 悟(テノール)
加耒 徹(バリトン)
高関 健(指揮)
仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 - ¥
Warning: Use of undefined constant 料金 - assumed '料金' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sencla/sencla.com/public_html/2019/wp-content/themes/sencla2019/page-program.php on line 52
2000| 小学生以上 - J|イズミ|大